Samuel Ward’s research was built upon the research of Heron Daima. Daima had supplemented his own research on powers, with original notes written by Simon Perish, detailing his methods for creating artifacts as well as known powers of Champions up until that point in time. The notes written by Perish were compiled in a notebook called the Shakti Manuscript. Much of these notes are considered the precursor to the Great Work or Magnum Opus or what Daima believed to be the Elixer of Life, the Panacea.
The notebook came under the possession of Heron Daima at the end of the Sanguine Empire.
Calcination - Aries
Congelation -Taurus
Fixation - Gemini
Dissolution - Cancer
Digestion - Leo
Distillation - Virgo
Sublimation - Libra
Separation - Scorpio
Incineration - Sagittarius
Fermentation - Capricorn
Multiplication -Aquarius
Projection - Pisces
ALCHEMICAL Compositions
Various alchemical composites will be used to various effects within the story based off of this group of known substances from antiquity. Most of these have some bearing in reality but the actual effects within the story may vary. This is just a baseline for what is possible and a reference for it. For instance, the recurring explosive created by Sam consists of Pine Resin, Fulminating Silver and a dried form of Naphtha that he created.
Algarot - Laxative
Aqua Fortis – nitric acid, formed by 2 parts saltpetre in 1 part (pure) oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid). (Historically, this process could not have been used, as 98% oil of vitriol was not available.)
Aqua Ragia/Spirit of turpentine/Oil of turpentine/Gum turpentine – turpentine, formed by the distillation of pine tree resin
Aqua Regia (Latin: "royal water") – a mixture of aqua fortis and spirit of salt
Aqua Tofani – arsenic trioxide, As2O3 (extremely poisonous)
Aqua vitae/Spirit of Wine – ethanol, formed by distilling wine[1]
Aurum - gold
Azoth - initially this referred to a supposed universal solvent but later became another name for Mercury
Bismuth (German: Wismuth)
Bitumen - highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum
Blue Vitriol/Bluestone – A mineral; copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate.
Brimstone – sulfur
Flowers of sulfur – formed by distilling sulfur.
Butter (or oil) of antimony – antimony trichloride. Formed by distilling roasted stibnite with corrosive sublimate, or dissolving stibnite in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid and distilling. SbCl3
Cadmia/Tuttia/Tutty – probably zinc carbonate
Calomel/Horn Quicksilver/horn mercury – mercury(I) chloride, a very poisonous purgative formed by subliming a mixture of mercuric chloride and metallic mercury, triturated in a mortar and heated in an iron pot. The crust formed on the lid was ground to powder and boiled with water to remove the calomel.
Caustic potash/Caustic Wood Alkali – potassium hydroxide, formed by adding lime to potash
Caustic Soda/Caustic Marine Alkali – sodium hydroxide, NaOH, formed by adding lime to natron
Chalk – a rock composed of porous biogenic calcium carbonate, CaCO3
Chrome orange – chrome yellow and chrome red
Chrome red – basic lead chromate – PbCrO4+PbO
Chrome yellow/Paris Yellow/Leipzig Yellow – lead chromate, PbCrO4
Cinnabar/Vermilion – refers to several substances, among them: mercury(II) sulfide (HgS), or native vermilion (the common ore of mercury).
Copper Glance – copper(I) sulfide ore.
Corrosive sublimate – mercuric chloride, formed by subliming mercury, calcined green vitriol, common salt, and nitre
Cuprite – copper(I) oxide ore
Dutch White – a pigment, formed from one part of white lead to three of barium sulfate, BaSO4
Flowers of antimony – antimony trioxide, formed by roasting stibnite at high temperature and condensing the white fumes that form. SbO3
Fool's gold – a mineral, iron disulfide or pyrite; can form oil of vitriol on contact with water and air.
Fulminating silver – silver nitride, formed by dissolving silver(I) oxide in ammonia. Very explosive when dry.
Fulminating gold – gold hydrazide, formed by adding ammonia to the auric hydroxide. When dry, can explode on concussion.
Fulminating gold – unstable gold carbonate formed by precipitation by potash from gold dissolved in aqua regia
Galena – lead(II) sulfide. Lead ore.
Glass of antimony – impure antimony tetroxide, SbO4 formed by roasting stibnite. A yellow pigment for glass and porcelain.
Glauber's Salt – sodium sulfate. Na2SO4
Green Vitriol – a mineral; iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate. (or ferrous sulfate)
Marcasite – a mineral; iron disulfide. In moist air it turns into green vitriol, FeSO4.
Rouge/Crocus/Colcothar – ferric oxide, formed by burning green vitriol in air
Gum Arabic – gum from the acacia tree
Gypsum – a mineral; calcium sulfate, CaSO4
Horn Silver/Argentum Cornu – a weathered form of chlorargyrite, an ore of silver chloride
Hydrargyrum - mercury
Luna cornea – silver chloride, formed by heating horn silver till it liquefies and then cooling
Kalium - potassium
King's yellow – formed by mixing orpiment with white arsenic
Lapis solaris (Bologna stone) – barium sulfide – 1603, Vincenzo Cascariolo
Lead fume – lead oxide, found in flues at lead smelters
Lime/Quicklime (Burnt Lime)/Calx Viva/Unslaked Lime – calcium oxide, formed by calcining limestone
Slaked Lime – calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
Liver of sulfur – formed by fusing potash and sulfur
Lunar caustic/lapis infernalis – silver nitrate, formed by dissolving silver in aqua fortis and evaporating
Lye – potash in a water solution, formed by leaching wood ashes
Potash/Salt of tartar – potassium carbonate, formed by evaporating lye. K2CO3
Pearlash – formed by baking potash in a kiln
Massicot – lead monoxide, PbO
Litharge – lead monoxide, formed by fusing and powdering massicot
Minium/Red Lead – trilead tetroxide, Pb3O4; formed by roasting litharge in air
Naples yellow/Cassel yellow – oxychloride of lead, formed by heating litharge with sal ammoniac
Milk of Sulfur (lac sulphuris) – formed by adding an acid to thion hudor (lime sulfur)
Mosaic gold – stannic sulfide, formed by heating a mixture of tin filings, sulfur, and sal-ammoniac
Natrium - sodium
Natron/Soda Ash/Soda – sodium carbonate, Na2CO3
Oil of Tartar – concentrated potassium carbonate, K2CO3 solution
Oil of Tartar per Deliquium – potassium carbonate dissolved in the water which its extracts from the air
Oil of Vitriol/Spirit of Vitriol – sulfuric acid, a weak version can be formed by heating green vitriol and blue vitriol. H2SO4
Orpiment – arsenic trisulfide, an ore of arsenic
Pearl white – bismuth nitrate, BiNO3
Philosophers' Wool/nix alba (white snow)/Zinc White – zinc oxide, formed by burning zinc in air, used as a pigment
Plumbago – a mineral, graphite; not discovered in pure form until 1564
Plumbum - lead
Powder of Algaroth – antimonious oxychloride, formed by precipitation when a solution of butter of antimony and spirit of salt is poured into water
Purple of Cassius – formed by precipitating a mixture of gold, stannous and stannic chlorides, with alkali. Used for glass coloring
Realgar – arsenic disulfide, an ore of arsenic
Resin of copper – copper(I) chloride (cuprous chloride), formed by heating copper with corrosive sublimate
Sal Petrae (Med. Latin: "stone salt")/Salt of Petra/Saltpetre/Nitrate of potash – potassium nitrate, KNO3, typically mined from covered dungheaps
Salt/Common salt – A mineral; sodium chloride, NaCl, formed by evaporating seawater (impure form)
Salt of Hartshorn/Sal Volatile – ammonium carbonate formed by distilling bones and horns
Spirit of box/Pyroxylic spirit – methanol, CH3OH, distilled wood alcohol
Spirit of Hartshorn – ammonia, formed by the decomposition of sal-ammoniac by unslaked lime
Spirit of Salt/Acidum Salis – the liquid form of hydrochloric acid (also called muriatic acid), formed by mixing common salt with oil of vitriol
Marine Acid Air – gaseous form of hydrochloric acid
Spiritus fumans – stannic chloride, formed by distilling tin with corrosive sublimate
Tin salt – hydrated stannous chloride
Butter of tin – hydrated tin(IV) chloride
Stibium - antimony
Stibnite – antimony or antimony trisulfide, ore of antimony
Sugar of Lead – lead(II) acetate, formed by dissolving lead oxide in vinegar
Sweet Vitriol – diethyl ether. It could be made by mixing oil of vitriol with spirit of wine and heating it.[3]
Thion Hudor – lime sulfur, formed by boiling flowers of sulfur with slaked lime
Turpeth mineral – hydrolysed form of mercury(II) sulfate
Verdigris – Carbonate of Copper or (more recently) copper(II) acetate. The carbonate is formed by weathering copper. The acetate is formed by vinegar acting on copper. One version was used as a green pigment.
White arsenic – arsenious oxide, formed by subliminating arsenical soot from the roasting ovens
White lead – carbonate of lead, a toxic pigment, produced by corroding stacks of lead plates with dilute vinegar beneath a heap of moistened wood shavings. (replaced by blanc fixe & lithopone)
White vitriol – zinc sulfate, formed by lixiviating roasted zinc blende
Wolfram - tungsten
Venetian White – formed from equal parts of white lead and barium sulfate
Zaffre – impure cobalt arsenate, formed after roasting cobalt ore