Father Basildes
Apocrypha of TERRA
When Basildes was a boy, a man had once visited the church where he grew up, to meet with the priests there. This man was a Faun Elf, a race that was not very prevalent in the west. The man was also a holy practitioner who brought books from the East. Within these books were teachings about the afterlife that affirmed lessons inherent in the west. The text also expanded upon knowledge of Eternity, the Akashic Record, and Creation that priest of the west highly valued. In addition to this, there were lessons and practices that told how to combat Demons and supernatural entities.
Basildes learned much later that this man was named Arka Mitra and had helped to develop an order with the Bishop Elpis some decades earlier. This order became known as the Apocrypha of Terra. The current leader of the order, the Bishop Pystis, ordained Basildes into the order when he came of age. Basildes was part of the third generation of priests ordained into the order, which had only been around for around 80 years or so.
The Apocrypha of Terra became the most recent organization that protected the secrets of the Ouroboros Gate. The order’s teachings contained exclusive knowledge of Horizon and the Afterlife. The oldest order was The Stars of Ahva in the South, and the second was The Mandala of Two Realms in the East. Both of these orders were thousands of years old.
The Apocrypha was essentially founded by Arka Mitra and the Bishop Elpis. No one knew what happened to Arka Mitra, but it was rumored much later that a man with a similar description to Mitra had begun to travel with the Empress of Gules. This was never confirmed because the man was captured and put to death by the King of Veiland after the Empire Ensanguined fell.
Rene Bennington
A young woman from the town of Gainesborough who meets Basildes when he becomes the new priest at the church. She is the bakers daughter who enjoys cooking for her friends.
Baslides takes a liking to her carefree demeanor and they become quick friends. Rene enjoys Basildes' wisdom and outlook of the world.
Her medallion was given to her by a childhood friend which she carries in his memory. After falling in love with Victor, she gives it to him during their wedding when they exchange vows. He gifts her with a silver ring forged from his armor.
Basildes officiates the wedding ceremony.
After becoming an Apocryphan, Basildes had become a priest at a church in the small town of Gainsborough. Gainsborough was near the border of Veiland and Meridian. There, he befriended a young woman named Rene Bennington who worked in a small bakery owned by her family. There was a lingering sadness about Rene and Basildes soon discovered that this was because of the death of a childhood friend. Before his death, her friend had given her a Medallion that resembled the sun that Rene would wear. She would often visit with Basildes to seek guidance in her life and the two became friends. Rene would often bake things to give to Basildes, despite his protests.
Rene soon met and fell for a soldier from the Sanguine Empire when he had been passing through as an escort for envoys of the Empress of Gules. The soldier’s name was Victor Noble, who had come to Basildes for help in dealing with his own guilt. It was at this church where he and Rene met and they became closer over the span of several months. Eventually, Victor would visit more often to the point where it was clear he was visiting just for her. Rene was very optimistic and bright which enraptured Victor. While Victor was a very serious and intense man, Rene was able to break down his walls and she found a compassionate man that held onto severe heartache and pain.
At this point, the Shimmering Knight was a near mythical presence that was often heard in rumor. No one but Anahita's closest knew of his identity as the Shimmering Knight, not even Rene. However, Basildes deduced his identity but vowed to keep his secret but urged him to tell Rene. Victor never could but despite him hiding this from Rene, Victor truly loved her and she him. After nearly a year, they were married by Basildes in a secret ceremony in the forest surrounding Gainsborough. Victor gave Rene a silver ring he made from a chip in his armor, while Rene gave Victor her Medallion.
Victor and Rene agreed to leave the West and travel North to explore the Wilderlands and live a quiet life. Before they could leave, however, Victor was sent to accompany the Empress of Gules in her final meeting with King Marcus. It was to discuss the assimilation of Veiland into the Empire. Rene had become pregnant by Victor before leaving which she told Basildes. Basildes was one of the only people that knew that Victor was the Shimmering Knight and intended to tell Rene. The young woman seemed to contract a strange illness where she developed white freckles under her eyes. After this, Basildes could not bring himself to tell her.
After the Empress’s apparent assassination, the Empire was in disarray and those in her regime were in real danger of being killed. Victor knew what he intended to do to survive and asked Simon Perish to create a Resonating Artifact out of the Medallion that Rene had given him. Simon relinquished despite the dangers, feeling that there was nothing left to lose. After this, Simon Perish was captured and the Soothsayer disappeared. With no alternative, Victor led what remained of the Phoenix Scepter army in an effort to take Veiland by force. They were met by the Crescent Shield army in the Bastion Forest near Veiland and a battle ensued. Victor, as well as many others were killed in a strange phenomenon that left a crater where the battle took place. It became known as the Grey Plains and the Shimmering Knight became a condemned figure in Veiland for his role in killing so many.
After the incident at the Grey Plains, Rene gave birth to a son and named him John. After nearly, two years, she finally succumbed to her illness and entrusted John to Basildes. The priest was heartbroken at the loss of his friend and decided to leave Gainsborough with John and travel west to a new church being built in Veiland. He joined a caravan that was heading west to build the church, which was to be known as the Monos Cathedral.
Basildes felt a responsibility to bring up John but would often question his faith, knowing that John would never really know his mother. After this, Basildes began to lose some of the lightheartedness that drew Rene to him.
As he traveled west with John, Basildes reached the Grey Plains where the battle between Veiland and the Empire had occurred. There, Basildes spent some time there praying for the fallen where he found the golden Sun Medallion, amidst the ash. He recognized it as the one given to Victor by Rene when they were wed. He did not know how this was the only thing left but noted that it seemed to give off a very quiet ringing. He decided that it belonged to John and intended to give it to him when he was older.
For years, Basildes cared for John and taught him everything that he could but knew that he would benefit more from a proper teacher. He tried to raise him and instill good morals but John would often get into fights with other young boys that attended the church. As a result, Basildes was very strict with him. He worried that there would be something of his father in him. He knew who his father truly was and although there was good in Victor Noble, Basildes worried that John would inhabit the worst of his father. He also worried what would happen to John if others found out who his father was.
When John was 10 years old, he began to question his heritage more and Basildes would often tell him about his mother who he had been dear friends with. Regarding his father, he would only tell him that he was a brave knight who fought for what he believed in. Basildes opted not to tell him much more than this.
Around this time, Basildes was summoned by the King of Veiland, King Marcus. The King wished for something to be done for his daughter, Princess Aletheia of Selene. Aletheia had a strange power that put anyone she touched to sleep. King Marcus believed that she could be healed from this affliction and requested for Basildes to try. The King simply did not want his daughter to be feared or persecuted, something that was happening more since the time of the Shimmering Knight. Basildes asks the King to give him a few weeks to pray on the matter before he can help.
Since, Basildes had been friends with John’s father, the Shimmering Knight, he had a personal stake in the matter. Victor Noble who was not the monster everyone in Veiland believed him to be, but a conflicted and human man with pain and emotion. Basildes knew firsthand that the people with powers were just people. He believed they could make another man like the Shimmering Knight, only one that inspired people. However, Basildes feared what would happen if the King found out who John was.
Because of the King’s firsthand experience with the Grey Plains incident, Basildes wished to avoid any chance of him discovering John’s heritage. Despite the incident taking place 10 years prior, Basildes does not know what the King would do if he found out about John. He decides to send John to a temple called the Moon Palace to keep him from being discovered by the King and makes arrangement to send John away. He will also receive tutelage at the Moon Palace and receive further schooling there.
John initially does not want to leave but Basildes insists that it would be for the best. John first believes that he did something wrong to be sent away and Basildes assures him that this is not the case. Basildes does not want to lie to the boy, who he cares for deeply and decides to tell him part of the truth. He gives him his father’s medallion which John accepts. Basildes then tells him that his father was named Victor Noble and he was part of the Ensanguined Empire, an enemy of Veiland.
John is unsure how to feel about this but Basildes tries to console him. He tries to tell John that his father was not a bad man, but he worries that right now people would not be willing to open their eyes to this. He tells John that this is the reason he must be sent away. John is deeply saddened and takes this to mean that he is unwelcome at the Cathedral. He accuses Basildes of misleading him and refuses the medallion, not knowing that it was an heirloom of his mother’s. He begins to believe that Basildes is ashamed of him, despite what he says, and John decides to leave willingly.
Basildes is heartbroken to cause so much pain in the boy he has raised. He tries to convince him that his father was only ever doing what he thought was right and he hopes one day he will understand.John is taken the next day to the Moon Palace where he will be away for nearly 8 years.
Basildes vows to instill a change in how people with powers are viewed. He had begun to recognize the growing distrust toward people with powers. They were becoming less of a rumor and more prominent. Because of his experiences with Victor Noble, Basildes wished to understand these people better and hoped that people would not fear them. He returns to Selene and is able to convince the King that Aletheia did not need to be healed.
The King does not understand at first but he soon realizes his own ignorance and agrees that Aletheia does not need to be cured. However, he does not want her to be feared by others though as he often keeps her hands and her skin covered. Basildes understood the King’s concern for his daughter and the two come up with an idea. Basildes and the King decide to change the public perception of people with these powers.
King Marcus and Basildes work through their ideas for months at the Monos Cathedral. Their attempt to give a name to supernatural people varied from calling them, Angels to Paragons to Apotheoun. The terms for their abilities ranged from Blessing to Powers to Virtues. Basildes recognized though that it was important to stress that these people were still human, just gifted humans. They decide upon calling these gifted people Champions. Basildes begins use his influence in the church to create reverence for Champions. He often mentions these Champions during congregation and tells people that they are to be cared for like any other.
Two years pass and Aletheia is turning 12 years old. The King and Basildes continue their work to uplift Champions. They locate a young blacksmith in Selene who was rumored to have supernatural strength. The lad’s name is Michael and the pair decide that he could be a grand figurehead to further elevate Champions. Michael is given the persona of The Lunar Guardian and he is christened the High Champion of Selene. He is to protect the people of Selene from darkness. Immediately after this, the Lunar Guardian quickly becomes a Champion of the people to the commonfolk.
When John is 18, he returns to the Monos Cathedral after having finished his schooling. He had been away at the Moon Palace for nearly 8 years and decided that it was time to return. While he had been away he had begun to hear more about people with supernatural powers called Champions. John had never met a person such as this and was increasingly skeptical about the existence of such people. He believed the ability to perform such feats was trickery, as it was often seen.
John returns to the Monos Cathedral, hoping to speak with Basildes but finds that Basildes is not there.
He had finished his work on the Cathedral and left a letter for John. John finds that he had left on a pilgrimage to the east several years prior but will return soon to welcome him back. The letter states that he must tell him the truth about his father. John learns that Victor Noble, his father, was the Shimmering Knight who was responsible for the Grey Plains incident. His father was responsible for the deaths of many people in Veiland. Basildes states that he could not tell this to John as he felt he was too young to deal with it. The Medallion was given to his father by his mother, who truly loved the good man Victor was. He wants John to understand that his father was still a good man, just on the wrong side of history. Basildes ends the letter in the hope John will be there when he returns as they have much to speak about.
John is devastated and feels lost and confused. He tries to come to terms with the revelation but can no longer stay at the Cathedral. He feels an intense longing that he cannot understand and part of him simply wants to leave before Basildes gets back. He decides to take a pilgrimage undertaken by priests to become ordained Apocryphans. This involves visiting three of the seven Pure Shrines across the land, and to pray at each them. The shrines are to guide him and the journey will reveal his path.
John prays at the Shrine of Horaios, located just outside of the Monos Cathedral. He then prepares for his next destination, the Shrine of Yaldabaoth to the north. Something compels John to take the Medallion hoping it will serve as a reminder of his heritage. He then packs his horse and leaves the Cathedral in search of himself.