Donyel GREVE
the black jester
Donyel Greve, better known as the Black Jester is the primary antagonist for the second half of the Solstice Arc. He is the brother to Malkum Greve, who is known as the Lord of Faces. Donyel and his brother both possessed extraordinary powers well before Champions became well known in the Western Kingdoms. Donyel’s power is invulnerability though it will become known as the power of Barrier when written about in the Champion Power Codices. The power makes Donyel immune from all harm though he can be moved by the impact from blows and the force of strikes on him. He is also not immune to sickness and as such, Donyel is often ill.
The Barrier power actually begins to overtake the body of the bearer and begins to turn them to diamond. When Donyel is 17, the tip of his finger has turned to diamond. By the time he is 24, the first and second digit of his index finger have turned to diamond, as well as a small lesion above his left eye. Because of this, his mind started to wane and he became increasingly unhinged and erratic, prone to random outburst as well as difficulty controlling his frustrations. This was exacerbated by lies fed to him by his brother who began to resent him for his power. Malkum, came to use his younger brother Donyel as a tool and considered him more as someone to use for his own gain, than someone he cared for.
When the brothers were adults, Malkum adopted the moniker, the Lord of Faces. Donyel began to call himself Donofrey, for their home village of Freya in Meridian. The alias of the Black Jester is something he was known as to the people of Veiland only after he is defeated by John Noble at the end of Faded Diamond.
When the Greve brothers were young, Malkum and Donyel were raised by their mother. Their father was a violent man that would often strike their mother while Malkum and Donyel hid themselves. When Malkum attempted to defend his mother, their father took it out on him as well. Their mother would care for her two boys but could not bring herself to leave their father. Because of their situation, the brothers became closer and often confided in each other. Donyel wished that his brother could turn into a bird and fly away. Malkum wished that his brother was made of stone and could not be hurt by their father.
One day, when their father attempted to strike their mother, Donyel was the one to defend her. When the boy was struck, he was not harmed. Their father hit him again but it left no mark and their father’s hand broke. Their father would come to see Donyel as not human. Their father was fearful of his son’s unnatural power and left. Soon the town would learn of the rumor that Donyel was not human. Their father, along with several others of the village prepared to rid their village of Donyel. To avoid persecution by the townspeople, their mother knew that Donyel could not remain in the town and sent Malkum to take Donyel away. The boys would then leave the village and never return.
Donyel would not learn until much later that this story was a lie. His brother would tell him this story to manipulate him. Malkum would become resentful of Donyel because of his power of invulnerability. Although Malkum had a power of his own, he was jealous of Donyel’s power.
After this, there are conflicting rumors of what became of the brothers, with some saying that they joined a traveling circus. Others say that they both became involved in a civil war in the east or stowed away on a ship, crossing the sea into the west. All or none of the rumors may be true but the brothers began to make a name for themselves early on. The pair were inseparable but would often get involved in things beyond what others believed that they were capable of. Because of this they were referred to as the Lost Brothers. This would continue for several years until the disbanding of the Sanguine Empire. After this, the brothers disappeared for a time and were forgotten by most.
When the brothers were older, Malkum took the moniker of the Lord of Faces and Donyel came to call himself Donofrey. Something also began to happen to Donyel as he grew older, when his power made his skin turn to diamond. His right index finger up to the second joint was diamond as well as a small patch above his left eye. This weighed on him heavily and it was during this time that Malkum would often convince him that he knew best and that Donyel’s mind was not all there. Malkum would use the lie of their father to blame Donyel for having to leave their village and manipulate his brother into doing his bidding. Donyel for his part became somewhat dependent on his brother, despite being stronger. A part of the brothers would begin to resent each other as well.
Some time before the beginning of the story, The Lord of Faces, with Donofrey by his side, assembled a mercenary group called the Trionfi. The Trionfi were mainly composed of the remnants of the Axis Cruciger knights after the Empress’s death. The Lord of Faces would come to appeal to them by claiming to be a loyalist for Meridian. He claimed to desire to return the Kingdoms to the time of the Grand King, where there was only one ruling kingdom. One without foreign Empires or Elven rulers. However, Malkum only truly represented himself and wished to become the ruler of the Kingdoms.
The Lord of Faces soon amassed a large fortune by taking the identities of several western lords. The most prominent of which was Velu of Charis, the lord that governed an area near the town of Ophelia in Veiland. Velu happened to be the brother of the late queen of Selene and Malkum had taken over his identity after first becoming a servant of his. He killed and took Velu’s identity and acquired his estate, the Silvayne Manor as well as his financial assets. The servants and serfs began to notice a drastic change in their lord but continued to work under him. Eventually, a devoted following of loyal servants became aware of the Lord of Faces’ true identity and became prisoners of Silvayne Manor.
The Lord of Faces used Silvayne Manor as the central rendezvous for the Trionfi and his underlings. He brought together and even kidnapped several scholars and smiths of the area, including the inventor Francis Firenne. The Lord of Faces tasked them with designing and building weaponry for ultimately expanding his strength in the coming war that he planned to start between Veiland and Meridian.
Donofrey was tasked with kidnapping the Princess of Selene in the beginning of Summer. The Lord of Faces knew of a consistent rumor that the princess would walk the Summer Moon Festival in disguise on the first day. He sends Donofrey to pose as a juggler in the festival to search for her. The first year, they did not know what the princess looked like, only knowing that she carried antlers of the Faun Elves, like the late Queen. Donofrey was unable to locate her. Over the course of the next year, they found that the princess also had red hair, which is not synonymous with Fauna. That is when Malkum hears the rumor that the princess was not born to the Silver King and Queen of Selene.
The next year, Donofrey sees a girl with red hair and a hood walking the festival with a young man. He follows the couple and during a show of Champions, the girl’s hood comes off, exposing her red hair and antlers. Donofrey knew this to be the princess he was searching for.
Later that evening, the young man and the princess go their separate ways at the fountain at the top of the main square. Donofrey confronts the princess at the upper courtyard and knocks her out with a sleeping extract. He then attempts to carry her to a small boat at the river surrounding the city. He was unaware that the young man had returned to give the girl his pendant and saw what had happened. The young man, John Noble, ended up pursuing the Black Jester to the moat and followed them across.
The Black Jester does not suspect that John had followed him as he and several Trionfi take the princess through the forest. He also does not realize that Aletheia sees his diamond finger. They reach the Ruined Keep which was once called the Star’s Edge. The keep holds a series of tunnels that intertwine within the foundation. Aletheia is taken inside of the keep and on the way in notices the guards using a floodgate in the main hall. She makes some attempt to remove the bounds on her hands but to no avail. She does remove one glove.
Donofrey takes the princess to a dining hall in the dilapidated keep to his brother The Lord of Faces, who sits in a dining hall with a raven on his shoulder. His brother is courteous and introduces himself as the Lord of Faces. Aletheia is guarded and unresponsive to the Lord’s courtesy. He welcomes the Princess to the Keep and asks her to dine with him. Malkum dismisses Donyel and is short in his thanking his brother.
Donyel retreats to his quarters until he is summoned back into the main hall. The High Champion of Selene had followed them and had been taken prisoner by the Trionfi. The Lord of Faces consults with Donofrey upon hearing the news of their newly acquired captive. Malkum seems agitated and Donyel makes excuses about being followed. Malkum says nothing to his brother.
The two brothers enter the hall with the Lunar Guardian and Donofrey remains silent while his brother speaks with the High Champion. The Black Jester is witness to see the Lord of Faces change into the Lunar Guardian. Donofrey had known that his brother was going to start a war by killing Aletheia, taking her place and returning to Selene under the guise that she had escaped. He would then be able to get close enough to the King to assume his identity. However, Donofrey now has a idea for what Malkum will do instead. After some further conversation with the Lunar Guardian, Malkum then tells Donofrey to take him to the cells. Donyel begins to speak to his brother but is silenced. Malkum snaps that they will speak after.
Donofrey is becoming bothered but accompanies the Trionfi guards to the cells. Michael begins to chide the Black Jester but he says nothing. Once they reach the cells, the Jester punches the Lunar Guardian in the stomach and the Trionfi push him into the open air cell. It is a large room without a floor except for a small outcropping on the far end. Inside the cell is a bridge that can be retracted and extended to the outcropping for prisoners. Michael is put into this cell on the far end and the Bridge is retracted. The Black Jester informs the guard to stay and grumbles to himself about his duties.
Donyel returns to Malkum’s chambers and is prepared for him to be angry with him. Donyel initially begins to make another excuse but Malkum stops him. The Lord of Faces looks like the Lunar Guardian and it is catching Donyel off guard. Malkum then tells Donyel that he will return to Silvayne Manor and call the remaining Trionfi from Veiland and Meridian. Donyel apologizes for being followed but Malkum tells him that it was not his fault, but his own for expecting so much from his brother. However, he must still rely on him now. Donofrey asks what he plans to do but Malkum only says that the situation is favorable. His plan can come to pass much sooner than expected. Donofrey will await further instructions at Silvayne Manor. He says nothing more. When Donofrey presses him, he is short with him.
Donofrey returns to his quarters. and begins to feel his head swimming. He is becoming conflicted and does not know how to handle it. He is not even sure of what he is feeling. He removes his tunic and mask. However, something remains in his head that he cannot shake. Aletheia. He looks in the mirror and sees the diamond beginning to take over his face. The sliver is small but it feels bigger to him. His emotions and shattered mind get the better of him and he begins to destroy his room. He cannot get Aletheia out of his head. A part of him knows what his brother will do and that part of him begins to take over. He cannot let his brother harm the princess. Even if it means killing him. Donofrey struggles with the idea. He wants to remain loyal to his brother and yet there is something in him that rejects him. Before he can put any more thought on the matter, something comes crashing into his room.
The Black Jester looks back to see the young man from Selene stealing away with the princess. Donyel realizes she sees him without his mask and his shirt. Donofrey is caught off guard by the sudden intrusion. The young man quickly grabs Aletheia and they run out in the confusion. Donofrey grabs his mask and his clawed glove, and pursues the pair.
The pair end up in the main hall and are stopped as a portcullis falls in front of the exit. The Lunar Guardian catches up to them, calling out to the young man whose name is John. John questions if it is really him. A voice echoes across the room as Malkum, as the Lunar Guardian, yells to John warning him that the Michael in front of him is a fake. John is unsure but Aletheia knows that he is the true Michael. John asks if she is sure. She can prove it and tells Michael that they once talked about their fears. She asks them both what they are afraid of. Malkum is silent. The real Michael says, spiders. She then asks what she is afraid of. He then replies that she is afraid of the dark. Aletheia says that she is sorry she was confused earlier, she knows who the true Michael.
Black jester symbol
The Black Jester also enters the throne room and begins to approach the group. He only had time to put on his mask and hood and his bladed glove, he remains shirtless and wonders what Aletheia thinks of him. He worries that she saw the diamond on his face. He sees his brother Malkum on the other side of the room. Donyel stands facing the group.
Malkum taunts the trio stating that no one can truly know another. It is why his original plan never involved the Lunar Guardian. He only needed Aletheia so he could return to Selene claiming that she escaped herself. He would have infiltrated Selene without lifting a sword. No one would have known. Michael claims that he would have known. John agrees and states that he knows who Aletheia is. Malkum laughs and asks who this man is. Do they know who he is. John is silent. Aletheia interjects and states that she knows who he is. He is her friend. She knows who her friends are and they know her.
He laughs that she would claim such a thing. She doesn’t know who the man to her left is and he wonders if she even knows who she is. He then asks Aletheia if she knows that she is not the true Princess of Selene.
Aletheia is taken aback by this and she asks him what he means. Malkum then states:
“I find great power in knowing. Do you know how I found you? A whisper that started over 5 years ago. A whisper of you.
You see I delve in the collection of rumors and rumors are the precursors to truth. They are living things. And like all living things they start as a seed. They are planted and fed and if given time, they grow into truth. I have found that all rumors have a sliver of truth to them. That sliver is the seed.
I once heard that the princess of selene walked the festival of the summer moon. When I heard it again the next year I knew it was true. She would hide herself and walk around at dusk. Did you know that some children would claim that they saw you simply because they hoped that they would. Did you know that?
Poor girl. It is a widely known rumor among your own people and you didn't know. I wonder what else eludes you.”
Michael reassures her that it isn't true. Aletheia isn’t sure and she tries to convince herself. Michael asks Malkum that if she isn’t the true Princess then how would she have received her Elven antlers. Aletheia proclaims that she is half elvish and received them from her mother who was a Fawn Elf.
Malkum just laughs at this and asks her if she is sure, asking if she recalls ever seeing her mother's horns. Aletheia isn't sure herself anymore as she was only five when she died. Malkum then tells Donyel to bring the "naive Princess" to her. The Black Jester corrects him stating that his name is Donofrey. He then approaches the group.
John attacks the Jester with his sword which hits the Jester's shoulder on the bare skin. The blade does not cut him though; it actually breaks the tip of the sword. The Jester then grabs John and holds his knife to his throat.
Malkum then applauds John and tells him that the Black Jester, is a Champion that has the power of invulnerability and nothing can harm him. John taunts the Jester by asking why he needs Malkum if he is invulnerable, he can do as he pleases without consequence. Malkum ignores this and states that John's involvement was unexpected but tells the Jester to kill John Noble if Aletheia doesn't comply and come back to him. If she complies he will let John go. Michael tells her that he won't stay true to his word.
Aletheia complies and the Black Jester attempts to reach for her but Aletheia uses her power of Seal and turns the Jester's forearm to Diamond. She is also a Champion, something only Michael knew of. Donofrey is overcome with pain and releases John Noble. The Trionfi mercenaries draw their weapons but John then uses a sword to cut the rope to three candelabras that fall in front of Malkum. The last one crashes through the floor of the ruins causing part of the floor to cave in as well as much of the support structure.
As part of the Keep collapses, Aletheia directs them toward a floodgate but it becomes blocked with a large fallen stone. Michael begins to lift it proving that without a doubt he is immensely strong. Aletheia and John go through but before he is able to go through himself, Michael is stabbed in the back by the Black Jester. The Jester reminds Michael that his great strength is nothing if he is still Human. The stone falls on the Jester and blocks the tunnel. Donofrey is crushed and sees only black.
Donofrey is unsure if he is awake or unconscious. Alive or dead. He only feels pressure on his torso and left arm. He also feels water dripping on him. An uncertain amount of time passes and Donofrey pulls himself out of the wreckage though still in the dark. He hears Aletheia’s voice and remembers that she touched his hand. He remembers how much it hurt him. It was something that he has never felt. Donofrey begins to feel around in the dark and finally moves to a beam of light. He begins to climb out. Soon water begins to fill up in his confined space and he begins to become desperate. The water reaches his chest when he finally breaks through some rocks.
After several days, Donofrey finally breaks through the wreckage and breathes in the open air.
Donofrey finds his way out of the wreckage of the Ruined Keep and rests in the forest surrounding the fortress. He sees that the diamond finger he once had has now overtaken his full index finger and part of his middle finger. The diamond is immovable, he can no longer move his finger. Aletheia did this to him but he bears her no ill will. She has made him feel alive. He only wishes to be with her.