9. Sacred sands
The red canyons
John Noble, and Samuel Ward along with a regiment of Crescent Shield soldiers, reach the southern nation of Wisperad. They had made their way south through the Argent Caves and into the Red Canyons, known as the Canyons of Atar. The palfrey horses had brought them to the southern desert in less than two weeks but there was still some ways to go to reach their destination. The message indicated that they were to rendezvous at the city of Kivarenah. John and Sam ride at the front along with the Seneschal, Adam. Adam is the commander of the troops while John is considered an emissary acting on behalf of the King. He holds the Silver Nightfeather, like the one that Michael had carried as the High Champion.
The caravan reaches a crossroads in the canyon and stops for a rest. They have traveled far and should reach the edge of the canyon and enter the desert by nightfall. However, it will be another full days ride through the open desert to reach the city of Kivarenah. John dismounts his horse and speaks to Adam about the remainder of the journey. John states to Adam that they should not linger for too long as thieves were known to attack travelers in the Red Canyons. Adam had also known the risk but the canyons were the fastest route to Wisperad. He agrees with John and prepares the men to leave.
John then guides his horse to a small spring where he sees a relief etched into the wall of the canyon. Sam is already there sketching the relief as it seems to show some kind of creation myth, most likely from the people of the desert. John hears a rock fall somewhere and looks around but sees nothing. Sam steps over some of the rocks in the water to get closer to the relief. John says that they should probably get going since there was a reason that not many people travel south on their current route. Sam agrees but continues to approach the relief and attempts to touch it. Just before he does so, an arrow flies by his hand. He pulls back and he and John see several figures above them with bows trained on them.
John grasps the handle of his sword as Wisperadi archers have their bows trained on John and the caravan. A woman’s voice echoes in the canyon. She first asks that they not touch the relief which is sacred. She then commands John to let go of his sword and tell them who they are. John speaks first and tells them that they are envoys from Veiland. They were summoned by the White Sultan to help Wisperad. The woman states that they requested the Lunar Guardian and knows that John is not him. John introduces himself and says that they have come to help on behalf of the King of Veiland. John then shows them the Silver Nightfeather of Selene.
The woman shows herself as she jumps down from the rocks. She is wearing a purple turban and holds a bow as well as a shamshir blade. She signals for the Wisperadi scouts that they can lower their guard. The other women in orange turbans comply and the woman introduces herself as Elahei. Elahei asks to speak with the Lunar Guardian and John explains that he was unable to come but John is representing the King. She then leads the caravan to the Wisperadi encampment. The camp is protected by the female warriors from earlier called the Ravashii, of which Elahei is the commander.
The Crescent Shield are accommodated and await orders from Adam. Elahei then takes John, Sam and Adam to a small tent and introduces them to the Shahzedah of Wisperad, Princess Farava. She is a young girl no older than 12. John introduces himself and Sam but the princess interrupts before he can get to Adam. The Princess welcomes them but asks where the Lunar Guardian is as she needs to speak with him immediately. John claims that the Lunar Guardian could not make it but tries to assure her that they are there to help, if they would tell them why the Crescent Shield was needed. The letter only said that the city was attacked, and they needed help. The princess does not seem convinced but explains the situation.
16 days prior, there was an attack on the royal city of Kivarenah, during the Midgreen Festival. A group of thieves called the Drauga attacked the Palace of Asha and killed several guards before kidnapping the Sultan.
John questions why thieves would take the Sultan and if they knew what the thieves were after. Elahei says that it seems that the leader of the Drauga, the Zahhak was looking for a religious artifact. It is something that only the Sultan would know about. The Sultan is a holy practitioner and has information on a great many things regarding myths and legends related to the Majai religion. It is the reason why they took him.
Adam then states that the Crescent Shield army will lend their forces to Wisperad. They will be more than enough to help retrieve the Sultan. Farava then looks to Elahei. Elahei then points out that it isn’t that simple. She explains that their High Champion, the Simurgh already led a campaign with the Shivan Scimitar, the warrriors of Wisperad. They attempted to rescue the Sultan, but they have not returned. They were hoping for the Lunar Guardian to come help with the threat.
John insists that they have brought trained soldiers that will be able to help. He then asks why they need the Lunar Guardian himself for a group of thieves. Elahei then tells them that the reason the Drauga were brazen enough to attack the palace is because they were led by two Champions, which are known as Yazata in the south. The two Champions are known as the Zahhak and the Jinn. It seems that the guild of Drauga seem to finally have the means to be more than just bandits. The Simurgh is the Yazata Protector for Kivarenah and it seems even he was no match for the Jinn.
Elahei then states that when the Palace was attacked, the Simurgh, as well as the Shivan Scimitar warriors intervened to protect the Sultan. They killed several Drauga and subdued the Zahhak. However, the Jinn has some kind of spell that makes him very powerful. She attempts to explain more but princess Farava interjects. She says that it will be better to show them.
Temple of Sight
The princess intends to take John and Sam up the side of the canyon to a temple that will allow them to see out into the desert. When they return, the Ravashii and the Crescent Shield will continue toward Kivarenah to regroup with the remaining Shivan Scimitar, the warriors of Wisperad. Elahei is against this, stating that they should prepare to leave as soon as possible. The princess insists that she show the Westerners what they need to see. Elahei will accompany the group personally while Adam will remain behind to help with the preparations to leave.
Farava then leads John, Sam, and Elahei, up the cliffs of the Red Canyons. They soon reach a carved-out alcove that opens into a small temple. Farava explains that the temple had been used long ago for religion, then for science. It was turned into an observatory by a scientist named Hasan al-Hazen but the temple has been unused for some time. The window slits are breaking and the reliefs on the walls have broken down with time. Sand has overtaken most of the main hall with large heaps in the center and corners of the room. They pass through an archway and make their way up a set of stairs leading to the upper floor.
The group feels a breeze as they reach the open air of the second floor. Pillars adorn either side of the room with large window openings just past them. The roof has been worn away in some places and light from the late afternoon is shining through. At the far end, there is an opening that leads across a stone bridge. The bridge leads to an overlook carved into a natural stone pillar.
Elahei is on edge as they walk through the temple. Farava leads the group over the short bridge and into the overlook. The small overlook surveys the desert and John is in awe of the scenery. At the other side of the canyon, the cliff face has formed a natural ring out of the rock. Farava asks John to look toward the horizon. Below them is the edge of the canyon and past that is the open desert. Looking through the ring in the canyon, just visible to the naked eye is the city of Kivarenah.
Sam comments at how beautiful the desert is from their high vantage point. Farava agrees as she pushes a metallic viewing device in front of them. Sam is captivated by the telescopic device that sits on a track built into the wall and uses lenses and mirrors to view distant objects. He has heard of magic mirrors before and Farava asks him to look through it.
Sam sees the city but doesn't notice anything immediately. John looks through it and Farava asks what he sees. John doesn’t immediately notice anything but then sees that there is a large gap in the palace and part of the wall surrounding the city. It looks like part of the wall was missing completely. The princess says they need the Lunar Guardian because only a Yazata can defeat another Yazata. Elahei adds that the Jinn is a very powerful Yazata the likes of which she has never seen. He cannot be defeated by normal means. This is why they need the Lunar Guardian.
John doesn’t understand at first until he asks that the Jinn did that to the palace. Farava confirms this, telling him that the Jinn is capable of destroying things with a strange supernatural light. It was how he destroyed the wall. Sam has heard of this before. He asks again that the Jinn brought down the wall with a blast of white light. The princess states that the Jinn did not bring the wall down, but it was like he made it disappear. He used the light to blow a hole in the wall of the Palace during his escape. It killed a great many people and injured others. John seems to lose himself at the mention of white light. He is unable to speak. Farava then tells them that only a Champion would be able to defeat another Champion and even the Simurgh was no match for him.
Sam states that he is not so sure another Champion could defeat such power. Sam explains that the white light sounds very familiar. Another Champion had something like it almost 20 years ago. He asks John what he thinks but John seems to be deep in thought. He knows exactly who that Champion from 20 years ago was, his father, Victor Noble. He is certain the Jinn could not be his father but questions how this Champion can do the same thing. John keeps this information to himself. The princess then asks why the Lunar Guardian could not come and John finally states that the High Champion of Veiland is gone. He died rescuing Princess Aletheia of Selene.
Farava is disheartened at the news and tells them that she is sorry for their loss. John says that he is sorry for hers as well. He then stands tall and states that although their Champions are gone, he and Veiland have come to help and that is what they are going to do. John then builds Sam up telling them that Sam is also a great Champion. Before Sam can protest, John tells them that he can create amazing things with his power. Elahei asks if this is true but before Sam can answer, John continues saying that it is true and the Crescent Shield has come to assist them in any way they can. They can help the princess without the Lunar Guardian.
Farava begins to share John's outlook and thanks him. She is starting to believe that they can help. The group leaves the confines of the small outlook and step out into the open air of the bridge that leads back into the Temple of Sight. Sam pulls out his water skin for a drink and offers some to John.
Elahei then states that the two armies will continue to Kivarenah and fortify the city before setting out to rescue the Sultan. John remembers that they mentioned the Drauga kidnapped the Sultan for some kind of religious artifact. Elahei explains that that the Jinn is searching for a sacred object called the Circle of Urvan that was entrusted to the Sultan of Kivarenah long ago. John persists, asking what the Circle of Urvan is. Elahei tells him that it is something that the Jinn cannot get ahold of which is why they must return to Kivarenah. They took the Sultan when they escaped the Palace but did not get the Circle of Urvan.
John believes he understands and states that they need to go to the city is to protect the Circle. Elahai begins to agree but Farava interjects and says that the Circle is not at the city. It is with her. The princess holds up her bracelet. A small metallic circle is fitted to the top of the bracelet, decorated with small indentations and grooves. She states that her bracelet holds the Circle of Urvan, an important artifact among followers of the Majai religion.
John now understands that they have the key now and Elahei confirms it is why they need to return to the city, they are exposed in the canyon and it is unsafe. Farava disagrees, saying that they should set out to save the Sultan immediately. Elahei says that the Circle of Urvan is too important and the Jinn must not obtain it. Sam asks what the Circle of Urvan is and why it is so important to the Jinn. Farava explains that it is a key. One of two. When they are combined, it is said, the key can be used to open the Abode of Song.
Neither John nor Sam understand what that means and they are visibly confused as the two women argue. Farava says that there is no time to go back to the city, they need to rescue the Sultan now, he is in danger. Elahei tells the girl that they cannot risk that, and reminds the girl that the Shivan Scimitar did not come back.
John tries to ask what the Abode of Song is but the women ignore him. Farava states that this is all the more reason to head directly to find the Drauga and stop them. Maybe they are all in trouble and need help. Elahei almost claims that they are all dead but stops herself. She is frustrated and states that this is not a discussion. She is to keep the princess safe and it is not safe in the canyons. They are all going back to the city together. Elahei then says that they should go back to the camp and she enters the alcove back into the temple.
John is overwhelmed but touches Farava’s shoulder to comfort her. She asks John, if he truly believes that they can help. John says that he is sure of it. She asks him if he agrees that they need to rescue her father now. John replies that he believes her father would want her to be safe. Maybe taking her to the city would be the safest. She then states that he doesn’t understand. She says that this is all her fault. John isn’t sure what she means, but before Farava can explain further, Elahei calls out to John.
The Bone Serpent
John rushes back down the steps followed by Sam and Farava. Elahei has taken a defensive stance with her bow and has nocked an arrow. In front of her are four men in cloth veils. Farava recognizes the masked men as Drauga bandits. John immediately pulls out his sword and takes a defensive position next to Elahei. The four men in cloth masks are blocking their exit from the temple and they take special notice when they see Farava.
Elahei holds up her bow and speaks first. She tells the Drauga that they have no business there and they will leave if they value their lives. One of the Drauga state that they have come for the princess and they will leave with the princess. However, they have no need for her protectors. The Drauga each pull out curved swords. John signals to Farava telling her to stay close to Sam.
Farava then watches as Sam pours sand into his water skin. He tells John if he remembers the red potion in his lab that he showed him. John looks back momentarily to see Sam mixing sand and water in the skin. He then caps the bladder and shakes it. Farava sees the water skin turn red and she realizes that Sam is a Champion as well. John yells for Elahei as Sam throws the water skin over them. She sees the bottle fly over their heads and above the Drauga. Elahei looses the arrow which punctures the skin. Red dust explodes from the skin followed by a series of sparks that trails outward, igniting the dust. Small flames fall on the Drauga which set their clothing alight. All four Drauga are now fighting the flames on their clothing.
Elahei pulls out her Shamshir blade and she and John rush forward killing the front two bandits before moving to attack the back two. The Drauga defend themselves despite still having flames on their clothing. Sam begins coughing when Elahei calls to the princess. She takes Sam’s hand and leads them past John and Elahei who have created a gap. Farava and Sam continue through the temple and down the stairs. Elahei and John subdue their Drauga foes before making a break and following the Princess.
Sam and Farava reach the exit when another Drauga, a female with a black and gold mask steps in front of them. She is dressed in grey with a black mask. Farava recognizes her as the Zahhak. Sam stands in front of the princess. Right then, Elahei drops in from above and lunges at the Zahhak. The Zahhak repels the attack and knocks Elahei back. John arrives to help her up and stands in front of her as he holds out his sword.
The Zahhak addresses Farava and tells the princess to come with her, the Sultan is waiting. Farava hesitates and John says that they have two great armies in the canyon below that are on their way now. They should leave if they value their lives. The Zahhak laughs and says that she saw them and that their forces barely number around 80 altogether. The Shivan Scimitar and the True Yazata are gone. Kivarenah is has no one to protect it. What do they expect to do now for the princess? She will be safer with her father.
Farava states that they will be coming for her father. They have allies now that can defeat a Yazata. John worriedly asks Sam if he has any more of that fire concoction. Sam Ward clears his throat and says that he has something better. He has turned the sand beneath them black that makes a trail to the Zahhak. Sam directs John to the black sand and John swipes the ground with his sword. The metal upon rock, creates a spark that ignites the black sand. The spark begins to travel toward the enemies in front of them. The spark grows into a flame. However, the Zahhak holds up her hand and the sands begin to part. A layer of sand then covers the spark and puts out the flame. John is confused as to what just happened and asks aloud what the Zahhak’s powers are.
At this, the Zahhak raises her hand and a pillar of sand rises quickly at John, hitting him in the chest and knocking him back. The Zahhak seems to be able to control the sand. The Zahhak moves forward toward the princess. John composes himself and attacks the Zahhak with his sword, telling Sam and Farava to fall back toward the stairs.
John is repelled easily, unable to keep up with the acrobatic movements of the Zahhak. As Farava and Sam reach the stairs, the two burned Drauga from earlier come down the steps and they are now surrounded at the front and back. Elahei rushes the Zahhak who uses her power once more and brings down a pillar of sandstone. Elahei and John now engage in a two on one fight with the Zahhak.
John gets knocked back once more and sees the two other Drauga coming for Farava. Sam puts the princess behind him and turns the sleeve of his coat to metal to repel the sword of one of the attackers. He begins to cough uncontrollably and is kicked away. Elahei sees the Drauga close in on Farava and is distracted enough to be knocked down by the Zahhak, who now stands between Elahei and Farava. John attempts to reach Farava but the Drauga near Sam now engages him.
Farava is then grabbed by the other Drauga and struggles to pull away. He attempts to remove the bangle from her wrist. Elahei then pulls out her bow and aims at the Zahhak who then dodges. The bow fires and hits at the Drauga holding Farava, as Elahei was aiming at him. The arrow hits the bandit’s forearm and knocks the bangle out of his hand dropping it down the stairs. Elahei is then attacked by the Zahhak and her bow is broken. The bangle bounces and falls in the middle of the room between John and the Drauga.
Sam tries to reach for the bangle in between John and the Drauga, but the Drauga attacks him, making him stumble and kick the bangle away. John then grabs the bangle, but the Zahhak brings down another pillar that falls toward him and John. Sam and John jumps away but John then drops the bangle again. The pillar lands on the Drauga killing him as the temple begins to shake from the structure falling away. Farava stumbles at the foot of the stairs and Sam grabs her, making sure she is alright.
Elahei makes an attempt for the bangle but the Zahhak attacks her. Elahei is knocked back and her arm is cut. John now confronts the Zahhak to protect Elahei. The Zahhak grabs the bangle and tosses it to the Drauga with an arrow in his arm, who was at the stairs. He then runs up toward the second floor. Farava yells that they have the bangle as Sam runs up the stairs after him.
John engages in a one on fight with the Zahhak but is unaccustomed to her acrobatic fighting style. Elahei composes herself and rushes to Farava to check on her. She tells Elahei that they have the bangle. They look back at John, fighting the Zahhak and see that 2 more Drauga are climbing into the windows.
Above them on the second floor, Sam throws his coat and it turns to metal. The coat wraps around the thief’s leg, tripping him. Sam begins to cough blood as the bangle drops once more and falls through the cracks. John is knocked to the floor by the Zahhak. He is battered and bruised when the bangle falls into his lap. The Zahhak and the other 2 Drauga approach him. Just then Adam arrives with the Ravashii and Crescent Shield Knights. The Zahhak turns and sees them as they fire two arrows hitting the Drauga next to her. One is killed and the other is hit in the shoulder. A third arrow is fired at the Zahhak who raises the sand as a shield. The Zahhak then begins to bring down two more pillars. John throws the bangle to Elahei as they then run up the stairs.
The pillars come down in front of Adam and the soldiers, blocking them. John, Elahei and Farava regroup with Sam on the second floor. Elahei begins to give the bangle back to Farava when she sees the Zahhak and another Drauga ascend the stairs behind them. Just then, the floor breaks and falls at an incline. Elahei falls and slides down back to the bottom floor. John tries to grab her but grabs the key instead. He is kicked away by the Zahhak. The other Drauga has grabbed Farava. The Zahhak then states that he will give her the key or the girl dies.
John tells them to let the girl go and he will relinquish the key. Zahhak states the key first. John begins to hand it over and the Zahhak reaches to take the key. Just as she does, behind them an arrow is fired and the Drauga is pierced from behind, freeing the Princess. The Zahhak dodges another bolt. Adam has come up the stairs with a crossbow along with two other Crescent Shield. The Zahhak kicks John in the stomach and jumps over him.
She then runs towards an opening in the wall and once more puts up her hands. Behind the group, part of the temple that was carved into the canyon comes away and the pillar falls toward them. John and Sam rush toward the bridge outside as the pillar falls across the temple. The second floor falls away and slides down, smashing past the wall and into the natural stone pillar that holds the outlook of the Temple of Sight. John, Sam and Farava are on the stone bridge leading to the outlook when it begins to fall away.
They run inside the outlook as the pillar breaks and begins to fall toward the canyon. John grabs Farava and looks to Sam. The pillar falls toward the other side of the canyon with them inside of the outlook. Sam tells them to hold on as he touches the floor and it begins to turn to into a black rock, then to metal. They see the adjacent side of the canyon coming at them as they fall. They are all yelling out and Sam’s nose begins to bleed. The outlook and much of the pillar has become a form of reinforced metal. It crashes into the other side of the canyon and the group is thrown out into a sandy inclined opening. They roll partway down before coming to a stop. The incline and the sand broke their fall and John helps Farava up. She is alright but she sees that Sam is unconscious. The effort took much out of him. John, Sam and Farava are now separated from the group.