Stolen Moon
John Noble and his horse, Stella, emerge from the forest into a wide expansive meadow. John has been traveling for 2 ½ days and the pair take a break under a tree that sits on a hilltop. They look out over the surrounding countryside and see the city of Selene in the distance. Outside of the city is the small town of Skyvale just before the farmland begins.
John takes a drink of water as he contemplates his next move. He is reminded of something in his saddlebag and pulls out a small pouch. In it he studies a golden medallion that shines in the daylight. He then hears a scream in the distance below the hill. John puts the medallion around his neck unwittingly and prepares to investigate the cry.
As he rounds the hill, he sees two knights are engaged in a swordfight, one in white armor and one in black. The man in white defends a woman who is behind him. The man in white loses his sword and is struck. The man in black intends to finish him with his sword but John tackles him and they fall off of the road and into the brush.
The man in black chides him and asks what he is doing. John ignores this and attempts to fight him, taking a hit to the face. He retaliates but the black knight states that he is an actor. John is confused but before he can speak further, he turns and is hit with a blast of wind. The girl from before is kicking up a whirlwind around her and sends another gust at John, throwing him into a nearby tree. John realizes his mistake as guards from Selene approach.
The three knights investigate the altercation and the largest knight introduces himself as the Lunar Guardian. His real name is Michael and wishes to speak with John privately. After the misunderstanding is resolved, the girl named Elise, invites John to the play that they were rehearsing. He finds that he came to Selene during the Summer Moon Festival and Elise and the others are performers at the event. John thanks her and she and the other actors leave. Michael then speaks with John.
Michael asks him questions about his travels to get to know who he is. He explains that as the High Champion of Selene, he needs to know who is coming to his city and John had bypassed checkpoints on the roads. John explains that he wanted to stay off the roads and keep to the forest for some peace and quiet. Michael understands his need for solitude and welcomes John to Selene. He only needed to ask as there have been suspicious characters lurking about the fields lately. He knows John is not one of them now. He then gives him a marker for a free stay for his horse at an expensive stable. Because of the festival, most other stables would be full at this time. John thanks him and rides toward the city gates.
John crosses the southgate and enters Selene. He sees people of all ages hurrying toward the main square heading to the festivities. After finding the stable, he checks in and comforts Stella before he leaves. At the stalls, a young girl sees Stella and tells John how beautiful she is. The two start a conversation and the girl introduces herself as Nadia. She explains that she likes to see all of the new horses that have arrived before the evening. Nadia plans to walk the festival and asks if John would like to accompany her. He agrees and they leave toward the square.
As they walk, they pass several events as well as a Black Jester who juggles for them. They pass several tents as they walk. The first tent is for vials of dye that Nadia is interested in for garment making. She, however does not buy a vial she was looking at. She had no intention of buying it and continues to look at other trinkets in the next tent. John buys it for her in secret.
Before John can give her the vial, Nadia sees several games and excitedly urges John to play them with her. As they go, the pair almost bump into the Black Jester who drops his juggling sticks. Nadia apologizes as she runs toward an archery game. John then holds onto the vial for now. Nadia wins at an archery game and John wins at a puzzle game. After that, they reach the stage where the actors from earlier are beginning their performance.
The pair watches the play from the back of the stage as the two knight fight for the princess. John sees the end that he interrupted earlier, where the black knight disarms the white knight. Before the killing strike, the black knight is blown off the stage by the princess who is revealed to the audience to be a Champion. John tries to hide his embarrassment from his run in with them earlier. The performance truly starts there, and Elise does a spectacular exhibition of her wind powers. She is apparently a Champion that can create gusts of wind with her movement. John is still somewhat skeptical of her powers but believes her to be a talented nonetheless. Nadia becomes visibly worked up by his skepticism toward Champions. John finally learns a little more about Champions and High Champions.
To smooth the situation over, John finally tells Nadia that he got his black eye when he interrupted their performance earlier. Their share a laugh as Nadia teases him about it. John was embarrassed but finally sees the humor in it. Aletheia sees John’s impulse to help. Before the performance ends there is a large gust that impresses everyone including John. It is here that Nadia's hood flies off revealing that she has small white antlers underneath her hood. Neither John nor anyone else notices because of the grand finale. She pulls it back on quickly before anyone notices. However, the Black Jester had been following them. He was the only person to see that she has the antlers of a Faun Elf as well as red hair. The Black Jester takes a strange interest in this.
John and Nadia end the night at the statue of the late Queen Theia of Selene. The statue sits in front of a fountain that overlooks a set of stairs and the main square below. Another set of stairs leads up to a courtyard in front of the Crescent Keep, the main castle of Selene. Nadia thanks him for a nice time and is disappointed that he is not staying in the city longer. John is disappointed as well saying the he hopes he will see her again someday. Nadia suggests they meet again somewhere and they agree that they meet at the lone oak tree in the Starfall Fields, where John rested when he first arrived. One day they will meet again at the tree. They then part ways at the statue.
Nadia ascends the stairs and looks back to John as he leaves. She turns back to see the Black Jester juggling for her. John stops in an alleyway and looks at the vial that he forgot to give her. He turns back toward the statue to catch her before she leaves. As he returns, he sees the Black Jester put Nadia to sleep with some kind of powder. He attempts to call out but a fire breather blows a flame and John sees that the Jester is gone. The fireworks start as John loudly yells out about what happened. Two guards come from the courtyard and ask what happened. John exclaims that a young girl has just been taken by a Jester. He picks up a small broach that was pinned to Nadia’s hood that must have fallen off. The guards seem to recognize it and are even more concerned afterward. John sees the jester jump over a rooftop and gives chase. He does not hear the guards ask if the girl was a Faun.
Running through alleyways, John keeps up with the Jester as he disappears over the last rooftop near the wall of the city. John runs up the stairs leading to the walkway along the city walls but sees nothing. He looks over the wall into the moat and sees something in the darkness. The Jester had jumped over the edge and into a boat. He is rowing away and is nearly to the far edge of the moat.
The guards finally catch up on the wall and witness John jumping into the water in pursuit of the Black Jester.
John arrival
Falling into Night
John Noble will be following the trail of the kidnapper in the forest surrounding Selene. The Lunar Guardian, High Champion of Selene, will catch up to him along with two other guards. John explains the situation after the Lunar Guardian initially mistakes him as being part of the kidnapping. After confirming that the girl had red hair, they ask if the girl had antlers like a Faun Elf.
John doesn't know that but he then learns that Nadia is Princess Aletheia of Selene. The guards want to know how he could not tell that she was a Faun though John can only say that she was wearing a hood. Michael will clarify that Aletheia’s antlers would be smaller this time of year and a hood would cover them.
The Lunar Guardian tells John not to worry, that he will rescue her. Michael then insists that John return to Selene. John refuses and apologizes to the Selene Guard as he pulls the reigns from one of the horses. This knocks the guard off the horse and John jumps in the saddle riding off to continue his pursuit of the kidnappers.
The Lunar Guardian catches up to John and the two agree to continue together. He sent the two guards back to relay the information to the Crescent Keep and the King. After spending time on the trail together, the two will learn more about each other including that Michael is the first High Champion. John also learns that Michael chooses not to wear a mask or helmet so as to endear himself to the public. This is something the other High Champions do not do. It may be touched upon that there are Three other known High Champions but they are not named or explored in detail here. Michael feels that a High Champion should be personable and the people should know him to inspire them. John has been away for some time so has not been familiar with the concept of High Champions, only hearing that it must be trickery.
Michael and John are surveying the area as they come near a river. They discover and knock out a mercenary scout as Michael realizes where they are. The two leave their horses by a river as they come up to a Ruined Keep behind a waterfall. It was once called the Stars Edge keep long ago. This is where they have taken Aletheia. Michael forms a plan that will involve his capture, with John passing as a mercenary by wearing the uniform of the unconscious guard. John believes it is too risky but he agrees and puts on the uniform of the mercenary to pass off as one of them. John attempts to help Michael with his large sword but realizes it is not as heavy as it seems. John believes that Michael was lying about being a Champion. Before Michael can explain earlier two more guards arrive on a patrol.
John gets into character and holds his sword to Michaels back. The three then lead Michael to the gates. John feels animosity towards Michael after all of his talk of Champions and gifts, believing that it was a lie. They arrive and Michael submits himself to surrender. At the gates, the other mercenaries surround him. The other soldiers carry in the Lunar Guardian’s sword. Michael is, shackled and led inside with John following behind the group. They have successfully infiltrated the Keep.
The Stars Edge is built like a fortress which is essentially a castle within a mountain, with all the amenities afforded of a castle just within the dankness of a cave. It has become overgrown with moss and is falling away at some places though. Michael is taken through a throne room and into a dining hall where a man in white sits at the table with a raven on his shoulder. The man is somewhat surprised to see him but is actually enthusiastic as well. As Michael is led into the dining hall. John becomes crowded by other soldiers and is blocked from leaving the room.
The man in white is courteous and talks to Michael for a bit. After a brief conversation about Champions and rumors, the man tells his men to remove his shackles as Michael could probably break out of them at any time. He introduces himself as the Lord of Faces. His true name is Gilcolm Greve but he will not say this to Michael. Michael asks where Aletheia is and if she is safe. The Lord responds that she is fine, relaxing in the Drawing Room. He has high hopes for her and she will not be harmed. The Lord of Faces seems to enjoy hearing himself speak and talks to Michael a little more. He speaks about roles that people assume and how people act that is akin to a play.
The Lord touches Michael's neck as he talks and has had all of his armor removed. He knows who Michael is and his rumored ability of Super Strength. Gilcolm then scratches Michaels neck with a nail to the point where he bleeds slightly. The Lord then licks his finger and remains silent. Everyone watches as he then begins to violently spasm and writhe in seeming pain. John’s eyes widen as The Lord’s body contorts and bulges. His face and hair begin to change as well. The Lord of Faces is then still, sweating and breathing heavily. He then looks up and could be Michael’s twin. He has morphed into an identical copy of the Lunar Guardian.
The process lasted only for a few moments but seemed longer to John. Both he and Michael are incredulous at this demonstration. The Lord then continues his monologue notices that he is able to lift Michael's large sword. The Lord cannot copy powers of other Champions when he becomes them so the sword is truly light. He laughs aloud because there was a rumor that the Lunar Guardian’s sword was a fake and he was not a Champion at all. The Lord of Faces now believes that the rumor may have been true after all.
Gilcolm now looks exactly like Michael and puts on the Silver Nightfeather that signifies a relationship with the crown. He invites Michael to stay in the Keep for a while and tasks the Black Jester with taking Michael to his cell. John attempts to follow but is stopped by The Lord of Faces. He tells John and some of the other Sellswords to inform the men that things have changed and to prepare to leave the Keep. The Lord then retires from the dining hall. Before John leaves, he overhears the Lord talking with the Black Jester. They are apparently brothers, though he notes that The Lord talks down to the Jester. The last thing he hears is that the Black Jesters name is Donyel but prefers Donofrey.
John goes with the other two Sellswords and notices a drainage cavern that leads out of the main hall. Above the main hall is a large rusty chandelier that looks like it could have been beautiful long ago. John then slips away from the other two Sellswords and rushes out to find the Jester and Michael.
John catches up to them right before the cells. Michael is placed in a large room without a floor except for a small outcropping on the far end. Inside the cell is a bridge that can be retracted and extended to the outcropping for prisoners. Michael is put into this cell on the far end and the Bridge is retracted. The guard stay outside of the cell. John then attempts to talk with the guard and states that he will watch the prisoner while the guard will tell the men to prepare to leave. The guard is unsure as he does not want to answer to the Black Jester who he calls Donofrey. John’s further attempts to persuade him make him suspicious and the guard asks John what the plan actually is. John gets fed up and just pulls out his sword and takes the Sellsword prisoner.
John has the guard open the door to release Michael. He extends the bridge across the chasm and the guard attacks him. They fall to the ground but Michael bashes the Sellsword in the head. The guard falls over the chasm but John grabs him. He asks for Michael's help who hesitates but helps pulls the guard up. John rummages through the guard's clothing as Michael begins to ask why he would save the guard but sees John pull out the key to Michael's cuffs. They take his uniform as well and two are now both in disguises, though Michael’s disguise is somewhat small for him. John then states that they should find Aletheia as John believes he knows what the Lord of Faces is planning. John then pulls out the blue dye and puts some on his palm. He attempts to do the same for Michael, explaining that it could identify him when they meet the Lord of Faces.
However, the guard wakes up and attacks John, making him drop the vial. In the ensuing struggle the ropes on the bridge are cut and it sways, causing the guard to fall over the edge. John and Michael avoid falling from the bridge and are able to make it safely out of the cell.
The two make their way to the Drawing Room and open the door to find Aletheia standing with what appears to be Michael. The Lord of Faces has deceived Aletheia into believing he is Michael. He then tells Aletheia to get behind him. The real Michael tells her to get away from the imposter and takes off his helmet to show his face. Aletheia is confused and the Lord of Faces immediately lies to Aletheia, stating that the Michael before her is her kidnapper. He is a shapeshifter called the Lord of Faces. Aletheia is doesn’t know what to believe until John takes off his helmet to show his face. He states that he has come to rescue her with Michael. The man next to her is the fake. Aletheia believes John but the Lord of Faces capitalizes on this, claiming that John was in on her kidnapping.
Michael yells that he is lying, but the Lord states that the two men are in the garb of the Sellswords, after all. Aletheia doesn’t believe this but is unable to move until John addresses her as Nadia. He tells her that he came to Selene on a whim realizes now that it must have been for a reason after all. He states that they don't truly know each other but he says that he came to rescue her so that he could. He then addresses her as Aletheia and reminds her that she knows that she can trust him.
Aletheia believes him and steps back from the imposter. Gilcolm then asks who John is before Michael engages him and yells for John to get Alethiea out of there. John grabs her hand and begins to leave until Sellswords come from down the hall. John and Aletheia climb out of an opening of the fortress and jump to a smaller causeway below. It crumbles beneath them and they fall into a lavishly decorated room. The Black Jester is there, surprised at their sudden intrusion. He is shirtless as he looks at a mirror, his mask is hung on the wall. John quickly grabs Aletheia and they run out through the doorway.
They end up in the main hall and are stopped as a portcullis falls in front of the exit. Michael calls for John as he catches up to them. John questions if it is really him. A voice echoes across the room as another Michael yells to John warning him that the Michael in front of him is a fake. John is unsure but Aletheia knows that he is the true Michael. John asks if she is sure. She can prove it and tells Michael that they once talked about their fears. She asks them both what they are afraid of. Gilcolm is silent. The real Michael says, spiders. She then asks what she is afraid of. He then replies that she is afraid of the dark. Aletheia says that she is sorry she was confused earlier, she knows who the true Michael.
Gilcolm sighs and mocks them saying that their sentimentality is sweet but it means nothing. He walks to the throne and states that despite their truth not one of them knows each other. His raven flies over and sits on his shoulder as several Sellsword guards enter from the passageways. The Black Jester also enters the throne room and begins to approach the group. He only had time to put on his mask and hood and his bladed glove and he is still shirtless.
John attacks the Black Jester with his sword which hits the Jester's shoulder on the bare skin. John is shocked as the blade does not cut him though; it actually breaks the tip of the sword. Gilcolm then states that the Black Jester, is a Champion that has the power of invulnerability and nothing can harm him. The main trio step back as the Black Jester stands in front of them.
Gilcolm taunts the trio stating that no one can truly know another. It is why his original plan never involved the Lunar Guardian. He only needed Aletheia so he could return to Selene claiming that she escaped herself. He would have infiltrated Selene without lifting a sword. No one would have known. Michael claims that he would have known. John agrees and states that he knows who Aletheia is. Gilcolm interjects asking John who he is, asking if he even knows himself. John is silent. Aletheia interjects and states that she knows who he is. He is her friend. She knows who her friends are and they know her.
He laughs that she would claim such a thing. She doesn’t know who the man to her left is and he wonders if she even knows who she is. He then asks Aletheia if she knows that she is not the true Princess of Selene.
Aletheia is taken aback by this and she asks him what he means. Gilcolm then states:
“I find great power in knowing. Do you know how I found you? A whisper that started over 10 years ago. A whisper of you.
You see I delve in the collection of rumors and rumors are the precursors to truth. They are living things. And like all living things they start as a seed. They are planted and fed and if given time, they grow into truth. I have found that all rumors have a sliver of truth to them. That sliver is the seed.
I once heard that the princess of Selene walked the festival of the summer moon. When I heard it again the next year I knew it was true. She would hide herself and walk around at dusk. Did you know that some children would claim that they saw you simply because they hoped that they would. Did you know that?
Poor girl. It is a widely known rumor among your own people and you didn't know. I wonder what else eludes you.”
Michael reassures her that it isn't true. She is the princess. Aletheia isn’t sure and she tries to convince herself. She asks Gilcolm that if she isn’t the true Princess then how would she have received her Elven antlers. Aletheia proclaims that she is half elvish and received them from her mother who was a Faun.
Gilcolm just laughs at this and asks her if she is sure, asking if she even recalls what her mother looked like. She states that the statue above the square is proof of it. But Aletheia isn't sure herself anymore as she was only five when her mother died. Gilcolm then tells Donyel to bring the "naive Princess" to her. The Black Jester corrects him stating that he told him not to call him that. Gilcolm is irritated and scolds his brother. Donofrey then approaches the group.
John attacks the Black Jester again, however, this time the Jester grabs the blade in his hands and disarms John. He then grabs John and holds his knife to his throat. Gilcolm then applauds John and states that he expects nothing less from the foolish heroes. John taunts the Jester by asking why he needs Gilcolm if he is invulnerable, he can do as he pleases without consequence. Gilcolm ignores this and states that John's involvement was unexpected but tells the Jester to kill the hero if Aletheia doesn't comply and come back to him. If she complies he will let John go. John tells her that he won't stay true to his word.
Aletheia complies and the Black Jester attempts to reach for her. However, Aletheia tells the Lord of Faces that perhaps he is right, you can’t truly know another. He does not know her. She then uses her power of Seal and turns the Jester's forearm to Diamond. She is also a Champion, something only Michael knew of. Donofrey is overcome with pain and releases John Noble. The mercenaries draw their weapons but John then uses a sword to cut the rope to the large candelabras that fall in front of Gilcolm. The last one crashes through the floor of the ruins causing part of the floor to cave in as well as much of the support structure. It begins to give way to the entire structure and the whole keep begins to come down within the cave.
As part of the Keep collapses, Aletheia directs them toward a floodgate but the structure begins to fall toward the entrance to the tunnel. A large piece of debris falls toward them. Michael catches it before it hits them, proving without a doubt he is immensely strong. With the tunnel still open, Aletheia and John go through. Before Michael can go through himself, he is stabbed in the back by the Black Jester. The Jester reminds Michael that his great strength is nothing if he is still Human. The stone falls on the Jester and blocks the tunnel.
Michael lay in the tunnel as he bleeds from his chest. Aletheia and John are distraught as they comfort him. Michael apologizes to Aletheia, stating that he doesn’t think he can protect her anymore. He then tells John Noble that he believes that John would make for a fine High Champion. Despite having no powers, he is honorable and brave enough to inspire hope which is the real purpose behind High Champions. He tells them to look after each other as he dies. Michael's superhuman strength was something that did not make him invincible something that John Noble will always remember. He learns that all people including Champions, are still human despite their powers. Aletheia can barely stand but John states they have to go. He and Aletheia continue fleeing down the tunnel and escape through a waterway. They jump into the water and are washed out of the cavern and into the river outside.
The pair get out of the river and find the two horses waiting for them. As they ride off, Aletheia glimpses a raven and an arrow hits John in the shoulder causing him to fall from his horse. The Lord of Faces has caught up to them. He gets off his horse and attempts to strike at John Noble but Aletheia stabs the Lord of Faces in the chest before he can attack John. He falls over the cliff onto the rocks below.
Aletheia is in shock about everything and John attempts to console her. Before he can comfort her further, he touches her ungloved hand. Before Aletheia takes comfort in John’s and momentarily forgets her power. Before she can pull away, John falls to sleep. Aletheia takes a moment to assess her situation then composes herself. She is able to get herself and John onto the horse and they set off back to Selene. As they ride back toward Selene the raven watches from the trees above.
Return to Selene
John awakens as they are riding back toward Selene. Aletheia is noticeably shaken by what has happened but tries to hide it. John attempts to console her stating that she did what she needed to and saved his life in the process. She remarks that maybe she did but he was the one to come save her. It is clear though that John was willing to come save Aletheia despite not knowing she was the Princess of Selene. Even when he thought she was a stable girl he came after her.
They ride on the same horse with John sitting behind Aletheia. The second horse follows along side of them. As they travel, the conversation is directed toward Aletheia and her Faun heritage. John knows a little about Faun Elves though Aletheia simply confirms that she received her antlers from her mother. However, there seems to be doubt in her words as she speaks them. Aletheia, ponders what the Lord of Faces told her about her own heritage and if there is any truth to it but she keeps this to herself for now.
As they reach an ashy crater, John gets off to see the empty area. Aletheia tells John about what had happened there, and the great battle that took place. It was between Veiland’s Crescent Shield Knights and the Empress’s Phoenix Scepter army. The battle ended when both armies were destroyed. The area once known as the Bastion Forest is now known as the Grey Plains. John takes up riding the second horse as they continue past the site.
John reveals that he knows something of the event and eventually reveals that his father was killed in the battle. It is the reason that he was on his pilgrimage and only passing through Selene. He only recently found out about his father’s death and it made him feel lost. Aletheia says that she is sorry. John tells her that it is alright. He never knew his father. He barely remembers his mother, however, he then tells her about the gold medallion that he wears. It was an heirloom of his family and maybe one day it will be passed on to his own. Aletheia smiles at this. It is clear that there is something more between them now but Aletheia changes the subject.
They return to Selene and see the city from the edge of forest. They discuss what happened when John was put to sleep earlier. Aletheia then explains her power in further detail. Anyone that touches her skin is put to sleep, however, touching a Champion has something of a different effect on them. John is embarrassed for not believing in Champions. Before they can discuss anything further, they are met by Selene Guards. They are accommodating to Aletheia but are distrustful of John, asking where the Lunar Guardian is. They immediately believe John was involved in taking the Princess and have him arrested. One of the guards is a young man named Adam, whose horse John took earlier.
Aletheia protests to John’s arrest but another knight arrives. He tells the Princess that her father is waiting for her and he instructs Adam to escort Aletheia to the Crescent Keep. He assures Aletheia that the man will have his time with the King, referring to John. John says nothing during this dispute and watches Aletheia go, as he stays behind with the Knight and another guard.
Aletheia is covered and escorted into Selene through the East Gate. She arrives at the Crescent Keep to see the commotion of guards and several other important figures. A blonde man in a yellow vest sees her walks hurriedly toward them. He is visibly relieved to see her and says nothing else as he holds her shoulders and hugs her warmly.
His nose begins to bleed as Aletheia responds immediately, worriedly pushing him away and asking what he is thinking. His name is Samuel Ward and he scolds her, telling him not to worry about him as he calmly takes a handkerchief to wipe the blood from his nose. He was worried about her and simply did not care about her power in that moment.
The guards insist she be taken before the King and the man tells them that he will take her. He asks if she is alright. She states that she is thanks to John and Michael. Her voice cracks as she says Michael's name. Sam asks her about Michael and she can't bring herself to say what happened. Sam understands what has happened and asks who John is.
At that moment, John is escorted into the throne room of the Crescent Keep. Another woman, rushes to Aletheia and checks to see if she is alright. The woman is name Ebigail and is the Lady in Waiting of the Crescent Keep.
Soon after, Aletheia and John are then brought before King Marcus. John is questioned about what happened and becomes somewhat at odds with the Commander of the Crescent Shield. Aletheia tries to speak up for John but is silenced by the King. After getting to the bottom of what happened, the Commander is still distrusting of John. However, the King begins to give John his trust after John mentions a priest named Father Basildes. Basildes is a close friend to John and happens to also have a strong connection to the King.
He commends John for his bravery, thanking him for rescuing the Princess but is also saddened by the death of Michael. He tells John that if there is something he can do for him he need only ask. John tells the King that Father Basildes is part of why John is there. It was him that suggesting that he go on a pilgrimage to help him find his path. Now John only requests that he be allowed to stay within his court by serving the King. He then pledges himself to the King.
The King agrees to let John serve him but is unsure of in what capacity. Sam speaks up and says that John has done a great thing and states that he is a hero. Sam suggests to the King that John be the new High Champion to which Aletheia agrees. The King is initially taken with the thought but responds that John has no powers to be the High Champion. However, in the meantime, John will serve as a member of his Court, until they can find a new High Champion. John will be named a Royal Sentry and be the head of the Royal Guard of the Crescent Keep. He will also assist in keeping Aletheia within their walls. Aletheia is initially offended but the thought of having John at the Crescent Keep alleviates some concern.
The King states that public will not be immediately told of the Lunar Guardian’s death as it will begin to cause them to worry about the state of Veiland. Without a High Champion to protect them it may begin to lower their spirits. Sam is tasked with seeking out new Champions to possibly replace Michael as the High Champion.
The King meets with Aletheia after all of this but the King does not scold her or reprimand her. He only hugs her and says nothing. The princess cannot bring herself to say anything to him about what has transpired.
John is christened as the acting Sentry of the Crescent Keep and given a Guardsman Sword of which he has limited skill in using. He is also officially introduced to Samuel Ward who he will become fast friends with. Samuel Ward who is a scholar and researcher in the King's employ as the Alchemist of Selene. Sam researches Champions and has become an authority on Powers. This stems from a book that his mentor Heron Daima had found many years ago called the Shakti Manuscript. The mentor had acquired the manuscript in Miridian years prior which details certain aspects of Champions well before they were called Champions. The notebook is unknowingly the Journal of Simon Perish.
During the next few weeks, Aletheia and John Noble grow closer while he is the head of the Royal Guard at The Crescent Keep. Sam is revealed to also be a Champion in that his power can alter the chemical and elemental makeup of material which he has termed as Alchemy. Sam helped both Aletheia and Michael with much of their understanding of their powers which is how she was able to turn the Black Jester to Diamond.
The story of their escape is something Sam is very interested in and is fond of hearing of John's journey so far. It is here that Sam shows John his creation of Artifacts that will one day allow others to use the powers derived from Champions. Most of his research on Artifacts is continued from notes in the Journal. His mentor acquired the book shortly after the fall of the Empire Ensanguined. Sam acquired the Shakti Manuscript after his mentor’s death. Sam furthered his mentor’s research and created several Artifacts derived from his own Alchemy power. These Artifacts are not true Artifacts though, as they can only be used once before breaking the item and losing the power. He demonstrates it by allowing John to use one to change water into wine. John also notices that he has notes on the chemical makeup of several things including an explosive. The notes sit in front of a display that holds 3 gold coins.
As soon as John becomes accustomed to his role as the Royal Sentry, word comes to Veiland that the Southern Nation of Wisperad has come under attack and they have asked for Veiland's help to send the Lunar Guardian.
The King is compelled to help Wispread, which has long been Veiland’s ally, but is troubled that they have no High Champion to send. He fears the nation would be seen as weak if they don't send a High Champion to assist them. Furthermore, the Commander of the Crescent Shield has been sent to investigate the Star’s Edge of anything related to the Princess’s kidnappers. However, the King does not divulge this information, simply stating that the Commander has been sent on a King’s Order. John feels that since the abduction of Aletheia, Selene’s safety should be a higher priority despite The Lord of Faces and the Black Jester being dead.
John volunteers to go as a representative of the Crown. He will go and learn more about the situation first with a small regiment of knights while Veiland’s forces stay in Selene. He will send word if they will be needed. The King agrees to this and sends Sam Ward with them. Sam has previously been to Wisperad and met with the Sultan, years ago when he went with the King and the Lunar Guardian. John and Sam will represent the King as emissaries of Veiland.
After several days of preparation, John and Sam are given the Silver Nightfeather pin, signifying their status as respresentatives of Veiland. Aletheia sees John Noble and Sam at the Crescent Keep. She hugs both of them as they leave with the small company of Crescent Shield Knights, led by a man named Adam. After she sees them off Aletheia struggles with what has happened and remembers the words of Gilcolm. She has tried to ignore them but they have remained in her mind. Although Gilcolm implied that the King was not her true father, she could not bring herself to confront the issue to the King. She also cannot keep herself from wondering if there is any truth to Gilcolm's words.
In reality, Aletheia was not born of the King and Queen of Veiland. She is the daughter of the Empress Anahita and Simon Perish. The Empress of Gules was not assassinated as many believe but died in child birth and was then adopted by the King of Selene. This was the end of the Sanguine Empire which then became known as the Empire Ensanguined. Aletheia looks at the statue of the Queen and contemplates her situation and all that has happened.