Elves and living beings
left male floran | right male faun
There are two kinds of elves Floran and Fauna. Floran Elves or Florans are signified with the Antlers of wood branches that change with the seasons. They are sturdier than normal wood branches but also can be broken and regrown within a few weeks. The branches often bloom small white, blue or red flowers in the spring and summer that wilt in the fall and winter. Both types of Elves have either dark brown, white or black hair and rarely ever have any other color. Flora elves often have pointed ears like a leaf.
The branches of Floran Elves must be maintained and groomed as they do not fall off on their own. They can be broken off relatively easily but they also grow back much faster than the antlers of the Faun Elves. Floran Elves are often referred to as Florans as well. The Florans almost exclusively have shades of brown hair.
floran antlers | spring - summer - fall - winter
Faun Elves are often referred to as Faun for singular or Fauna for plural. Faun Elves have antlers or horns similar to deer though both male and female Fauna have them. The antlers vary in size, shape and distance from the head and are often colored in shades of brown or black. There are also rare instances of white or light brown antlers as well. The horns will grow during the year and fall off around winter, when they will regrow in the Spring. Antlers are the longest right before they fall off in the Autumn months. The antlers continue to grow throughout the Fauna lifespan, with each regrowth extending in length and distance from the head.
They are not as heavy as real deer antlers but are similarly sturdy. Female Fauna tend to have smaller antlers than their male counterparts and tend to remain closer to the head, giving them an appearance like a crown. Male Fauna will have their antlers grow nearly two to three inches long then their female counterparts.
faun antlers | winter - spring - summer - fall
Unlike their Floran cousins, Fauna have exclusively silver or black hair. This however only applies to pure blooded Elves. Floran or Fauna may have other hair colors if they come from mixed race parents.
Vessels and Living Beings
In regards to the living beings, the original vessels were not Human or Elven. It is unknown what these vessels were and it could be speculated that they could have been something more elegant or much cruder than the living beings that inhabit the world in the most recent time. What is known though, is that, the Elven Folk came before Human vessels. However, the Elven folk were not always vessels for souls. The concept of a Vessel only came about to house the Soul, and Souls only came into being after the creation of Samsara. The Elven folk existed even before Samsara.
After the Prime Exodus, there were Aeons that existed within the newly constructed world without a means of returning to the Womb Realm. The Ouroboros Gate was sealed and the Aeons that escaped the Womb Realm were now trapped in the Diamond Realm. Although many Aeons did perish at first, many of the Aeons were now stranded in Life. At this time there was only flora and no fauna. The stranded Aeons survived and would even inhabit the various forms of growing plant life as a means of living. This granted sentience to otherwise non-sentient forms of life. This created a new form of life that was unanticipated but cultivated exclusively by the growing world, outside of Sophia. Plant and other biological life sprang about because of these first Aeons. The spark of Aeons led to the world creating the first animal life. This in turn lead to the evolution of the first Floran and Faun Elves that were capable of sustaining the Aeons. However, since this was before Samsara, these Elves were not able to reproduce.
male faun - color variation
In many ways, both Florans and Fauna exist as a byproduct of the ever changing growth of the infant world at the beginning of time. They are beings that initially came about without the cultivation of Sophia and the Archons and were essentially created by the Diamond Realm itself. Floran Elves are descended from living beings that grew from the first plants and foliage that decorated the world. These beings began to separate from the non-sentient flora in ways that was not anticipated but would lead to other forms of life, including wildlife. This included the original fauna that came about through the beginning growth of the young world. Faun Elves are descended from those first animals that were created through the natural order of the world. Animals and other creatures are the direct result of this branching form of life that was nourished by Diamond Realm, which was now capable of growth without the Archons. The fruits of a newly flourishing world that now existed in time and space.
In essence, Floran Elves evolved from plant life and Faun Elves evolved from animal life. Both Elves were separate from human vessels until the creation of Samsara.
female floran - petal variation
After the creation of Samsara, came the newly formed Human vessels that would sustain Aeons as Souls. With the introduction the Cycle of Life, all living beings were now able to procreate. This included the Human vessels as well as the Florans and Fauna. As a result these Floran and Faun Elves now became vessels for new Souls as well. Plant and animal life were always separate from these vessels. Because of this, there came about a separate cycle of life that was solely sustained by the Living World. Essentially plants and other creatures exist outside of the cycle of Samsara, because of their initial creation through the spark of the Aeons. After this, many of the original Aeons remained in Life and began to find themselves becoming spirits of the world. They became the Spirits of the self sustaining wildlife of the Diamond Realm.
Animals and similar sentient life are not vessels for Souls in the traditional sense in that they exist outside of Samsara. Souls are not sent into animals and plant life through the Phoenix Gate as with Samsara. The reason for this is that they have their own Spirit that no longer needs a Soul for sentience. For all intents and purposes, there seems to exists a cycle separate from Samsara that is sustained by the Living World. The cycle exclusive to plants and wildlife is governed by what is known as the Anima Mundi or the World Soul The cycle is unknown to Humans and Elves but it essentially is the ebb and flow of Spiritual energy from those first Aeons. In essence, the Spirits of plants and animals live on through the vigor and energy of the first Aeons and have grown to exist outside of the cycle of Samsara. Because the plants and animals were not truly created by Sophia, they have no connection to her spirit of the Axis Mundi, but are considered children of the world and are cared for by the Diamond Realm itself. For this reason, spirits of the animals consider the Diamond Realm as the World Mother.
In summation, the cycle of life as it exist for humans is called Samsara and this cycle is governed by Sophia the World Tree, also known as the Axis Mundi. The cycle of spirits as it exists for plants and animals is governed by the World Mother, the Anima Mundi. They are the children of the World Soul, also known as the Diamond Realm itself. To the animals it is known as the World Mother.