Creation and Sophia:
In the Realm of Eternity there existed a sole being called the Monad or The One. The Monad grew lonely in Eternity and created the Aeons, the immortal children. These new beings loved and worshiped The One though an Aeon named Sophia, soon grew restless in her immortality.
The One wished to truly show the Aeons the Beauty of the Monad and allowed Sophia to create Seven Archons who would construct a mortal realm for the Aeons. This Realm was called the Diamond Realm and would be the birthplace for Life. The Monad would only allow the Aeons to experience Life once and only for a limited period so The Diamond Realm would require that the Aeons inhabit vessels to be able to exist there.
Life was constructed and many Aeons that wished to experience it would inhabit vessels as Souls. Life was designed for the Aeons to feel the pleasures and wonders of mortality through emotion, though Life was not without suffering as well. Despite this, the Souls that returned to Eternity after their Life, longed to live again. Thus many Aeons decided to flee Eternity, their Womb Realm.
They crossed over the Chinvat Bridge that connected the Womb Realm to the Diamond Realm and entered Life without vessels. Without a vessel, the Aeons would slowly lose their spirit and eventually disappear forever. Sophia, wished to save the other Aeons from themselves and, using the powers of the Archons, created the Ouroboros Gate that would keep Aeons in Eternity. This process sealed all of Eternity within the Gate, creating a barrier between the two realms. Sophia became the Sealing Maiden. The Chinvat Bridge was eventually forgotten.
The Monad was disappointed but decided to let Aeons continue to return to Life in vessels if they wished. Another Aeon, the Demiurge, placed a new created Phoenix Gate inside of the Sun. Aeons that chose to return to Life would be sent through the Phoenix Gate as a Soul and enter a new vessel at birth. Birth had become a reproductive function exclusive to the mortal Diamond Realm. Upon the vessel's death, their the Soul would be placed in a field called Horizon and find Sophia there, the Axis Mundi represented as an incredibly tall tree. From there the Soul would return to the Womb Realm as an Aeon. This Cycle of Life was called Samsara.
anahita in horizon
However, when the Monad had created Horizon, it also separated the Womb Realm. If an Aeon wanted to continue with Life, it would be sent to Hell. Aeons here became Demons and followed the Beauty of the Monad, a doctrine that allowed them to seek freedom through Samsara. Aeons that chose to remain with the Monad were sent to Heaven, to remain with the One. They became Angels that wished to forever remain with the One, following the Will of the Monad. This was the doctrine that sought purpose through Servitude of the One. Angels were granted wings as a gift for their devotion that gave them great resilience.
Because reincarnation through Samsara was a lengthy process, some Demons waited ages to return to Life again. Some often sought ways of escaping Eternity because of their admiration for Life but those that did, were punished by being disfigured. Eventually, a beautiful Demon named Anahita discovered a way to find the Chinvat Bridge again and enlisted another Demon named Hyte in an effort to escape.